
Hello! I'd love to send you occasional emails with new blog posts or other interesting tidbits to share. I won't send too many emails - too busy puttering in the kitchen or apothecary to sit down and write!

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Mystery tree – Identified as Service Berry

Update! This tree has been identified as a Service Berry, thanks to Iela on Facebook.  In my meandering walks to and from work, I spend quite a bit of time gazing at the plants that surround me. From manicured lawns to unattended spaces with huge, wild rose bushes at the borders that beg for pruning,…

Moscow Mule Mocktail: sunshine in a copper mug

There’s something magic about drinks in copper glasses. The condensation of the ice droplets forming on the hammered surface of the golden mugs is nigh unto flirtatious on a hot, summer day.

Recipe Box: Ginger Citrus Syrup

Spicy, sweet, hot, and such a treat. Make this syrup in an afternoon and enjoy it for weeks to come!

An image of the motherwort plant in bloom with overlay text "Motherwort and lemon balm brew, a beer to soothe the savage beast"

Motherwort and Lemon Balm Brew: One Gallon Recipe

Motherwort and lemon balm are sisters in the Mint family, and together they make a brew that is soothing to the savage beast. If you are up late and unable to sleep due to stress and anxiety, pouring a glass of this brew can do the trick!

chai wine recipe on

Easy, One Gallon batch of Spiced Chai Wine

When there’s a chill in the air, I soothe myself with a warm cup of tea. I often indulge in strong, black tea like Earl Grey or Irish Breakfast, but there’s something special about spiced Chai. Not only is it creamy and rich, but the spices that lend themselves to the complex flavor are warming and healing.

An Overview of Acupuncture: Part One, a Radical History

In this guest post, Liane shares an overview of acupuncture, one of my favorite healing modalities to receive, with a look at its history and some of its radical community roots in the United States.

Herbal Education Opportunities (April 2016)!

Dig your roots into an herbal education this spring… It just so happens that two of my favorite herbal schools are offering specials on their courses. That makes this an excellent time to invest in your herbal education!  Here’s the deal: The Herbal Academy The Herbal Academy is a wonderful school. For over a year…

Awaken your sense of wonder

…and share it with the world! We need novelty, beauty, and mystery to keep us vibrant.

Mason jar cocktail kits + gift tags – free printables!

Jar + Booze + Mixers = Adorable Gift Idea!

October wakes with a golden fog

October, you are so beautiful that it hurts. The fog rolling over the morning mountains is hazy and thick, pierced by golden spears of light so delicious that I want to spread it on my toast. Coffee tastes best on October mornings when I can share it with the murmuring memories of ancestors…


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