
Hello! I'd love to send you occasional emails with new blog posts or other interesting tidbits to share. I won't send too many emails - too busy puttering in the kitchen or apothecary to sit down and write!

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March is Green and Misty

Oh March!  The past few days have found me feeling very sensitive and heart-achey for no apparent reason, other than the early spring… when I think of how my heart feels, I have the image of dark, damp earth being pushed aside for a fresh bright green shoot reaching for the yellow warmth of the…

Putting away 2012 – Tomatoes and Cherries

Phew…it is hard to find time to write when I’m so busy chopping, boiling, cooking, and eating really yummy food. To start with, I found cherries at a really good price at the grocery store, and I got about 3 pounds.  So far, I now have: Cherry Jam: For this, I used the recipe in…

Photo Post: Evenings at Home

Every evening when I get home, Eric and I open a beer and get the chicken scraps together and head down to give her a snack and check the lower lot berry brambles, catnip, mint, and wormwood. We’ll take a minute to check the compost or clean out the coop if needed, and hang out…


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