Amber Shehan

Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!

Dandelion Flower Infusion and Syrup

There are only a few dandelions in my yard this year, which is the opposite of a problem as far as most people are concerned! NOT...

Eat your weeds and wildflowers

I have to ask you a isn't a favor for me, specifically.  It's a favor for all of us...STOP USING PESTICIDES! Not all bugs...

Wildcrafting Game for Kids!

[columns] [span8] Wildcrafting is a great skill to have - knowing how to identify and use medicinal herbs is so useful for someone of any...

Soapwort Recipes: Green Cleaning from your Garden!

Soapwort is a versatile plant and it is easy to grow, harvest, and use around the home. It will clean skin, lace, quilts, hair, and bodies. Even...

Ask a Pixie: Seasonal Allergies and Remedies

Howdy, folks! I’ve been getting lots of reader questions and comments sent to my inbox, and so I’m beginning a new feature called “Ask A...

Fermentation on Wheels!

Fermentation on Wheels Are they coming to your neighborhood? They'll be in mine, soon!   What is Fermentation on Wheels? Fermentation on...

The Beauty of Spring Equinox

Bee on Blossom by C. Thomas Happy Spring Equinox! Today is the official first day of spring...the vernal equinox. That is...

How do I learn about herbs?

So you want to be an herbalist or to learn about herbs and plant wisdom. Good for you! How do you get started to learn...

Local Business Love: West Asheville

Good day, folks!  I recently spent a lovely day accomplishing wonderful things around West Asheville, like getting my ukulele restrung and tuned, eating Thunderstruck Coffee...

Ask A Pixie: #3 – Food Allergies

Howdy, folks! I’ve been getting lots of reader questions and comments sent to my inbox, and so I’m beginning a new feature called “Ask A...

A Poem from Heart-full Hands

My friend Jona is a poet, and a gentle soul.  She is a fox, a giggling child, a serious mother, and a crone laughing at...

Lose Weight the Easy Way: Cinnamon and Honey?

"I came across the recipe for weight loss 'Lose weight the easy way' just wanting to know if this really works and do you have...

Ask A Pixie: #1- Onions and Plantain

Howdy, folks! I've been getting lots of reader questions and comments sent to my inbox, and so I'm beginning a new feature called "Ask A...

Pixie’s Pocket featured in Essential Herbal Magazine

Grab a subscription today! I am thrilled to have an article in the Essential Herbal Magazine.  In this March/April 2014 issue,...

Good Morning, Snakes!

I wasn't upset in the slightest about the two giant, earth shaking rolls of thunder that pealed out at 2 and 3 am, respectively. I...