I finally joined the United Plant Savers, although I’ve been fans of their efforts for years now. “The pressures on American and Canadian native, wild medicinal plant populations are heavier than they have ever been before. Your membership with United Plant Savers strengthens the voice of concern for conservation, habitat protection, and solution-driven outreach initiatives…

I finally joined the United Plant Savers, although I’ve been fans of their efforts for years now.
“The pressures on American and Canadian native, wild medicinal plant populations are heavier than they have ever been before. Your membership with United Plant Savers strengthens the voice of concern for conservation, habitat protection, and solution-driven outreach initiatives to wild-crafters, growers, researchers, manufacturers, and consumers of these precious resources. “
Not only does the United Plant Savers do important work through grants, certification programs, and educational outreach, but they also offer a special program for their members. Members can participate in the annual SEED and ROOT programs and receive seeds from safely cultivated endangered plants for growing in their own homes and yards.
For spring 2016, I’ll be receiving Prairie Seeds and Ramps to plant. Ramps were recently added to the United Plant Savers’ “To Watch” list as its increased popularity has been endangering wild ramp patches.
If you join before April 10, you can access a free streaming event for members, called “The Sanctity of Sanctuary,” which documentary highlights how the United Plant Savers Botanical Sanctuary came into being and thus sparked the Botanical Sanctuary Network.
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Tagged: endangered plants, networking, prairie seeds, ramps, united plant savers
Amber Shehan
Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!