
Hello! I'd love to send you occasional emails with new blog posts or other interesting tidbits to share. I won't send too many emails - too busy puttering in the kitchen or apothecary to sit down and write!

Popular Recent Posts:

The Perfect Miso Soup Recipe

Miso is delicious, nutritious, and very nourishing. In a pinch, I can make do with a dried powder packet to make a cup on the go, but nothing compares to a bowl of real miso made from scratch.

Sowing Seeds & Growing Community

On saving, sharing, and buying seeds and planning wisely, and some thoughts on a gardening community.

Waste Not, Want Not: Freezing Scraps for Stock

Save your veggie scraps and make a soup stock – frugal and flavorful!

My Favorite No-Knead Bread Recipe

I love baking bread, but I’m often short on time and energy. Luckily, you can make tasty no-knead bread in a dutch oven with a little planning and a minimal amount of work!

Make your own Fire Vinegar (aka Fire Cider)

Fire Cider (or fire vinegar) is an herb and veggie-infused vinegar. The spicy tonic is rich in vitamins and nutrients, and really easy to make!

Pear Vinegar Recipe – made with fruit scraps

Next time you make something with apples or pears, save your peels and cores to make your own batch of homemade vinegar out of fruit scraps!

Earl Grey Pear Butter recipe from

Earl Grey Pear Butter [Small Batch Recipe]

This small batch recipe for pear butter is enhanced with a touch of Earl Grey tea – the perfect pairing for early autumn!

vanilla bean chamomile mead by

Vanilla Bean Chamomile Mead – One Gallon Recipe

Vanilla bean blends with chamomile beautifully – the bitter apple tones of chamomile flowers make magic with the rich, luscious aromatics of real vanilla.


Blackberry Mead: A One-Gallon Recipe

Summertime means berries, and berries mean jam, wine, and mead. There’s nothing like having a bottle of summer to warm you in the middle of the winter!

The Magic of Mimosa: Cordial and Tincture Recipes

Ah, it is late June, and the Mimosa trees are blooming! These pink, fluffy trees are cartoonish but beautiful, looking like “truffula tuft” trees from Dr. Seuss books!


  1. […] Subscribe to my newsletter! I’ll keep sharing my experiences with herbs. […]